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Saturday, January 16, 2010 ♥

i dunno how i dunno why hv i started doing tat~
i thought back~
i still can get how i actually started doing tat...
not from this time, might be earlier, or maybe l8r i dunno
i wan to noe!!!
im not sure if i regret doing tat but i wish i hven...

phew finally a sufficient sleep from the accumilated insufficient sleep, i slept at 9 plus last night and woke up 8 in the morning~hahaha and i counted how many hours i slept is like around 10 hours!!!! wow~~long hours of sleep rather hibernate suan lerh~
woke up watch tv den used my mum's iphone to surf the net while waiting for her to wake up~i managed to watched 2 shows while watching for her...nice~~
she woke up den we went down to eat breakfast and she cut her hair the same hairstyle again lol!!!i wanted to go home first but she say u sit down wait and use my phone to play lah den i use her hp to chat wif ZX~~
den reached home i used com to do my home mac coursework~den do home mac notes(kiasu huh~)...there will be a test on tuesday!!!!the first test in this year~i need to score well for it for a good begining of a year~
den until night my mum cook the soup den i help her put the thing in and i almost boiled my hands in the soup!!!!hahaha when eating my father asked why the soup so sweet arh?i replied cause the things is i put in one~hahaha!!!

haha i noe is a boring post~can dun read lah actually...tag on the board please~

I smiled @ 8:25 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 ♥

I'm so gonna reflect on myself man! I need to buck up ready on cca also on studies I dunno why can't I understand a word of wad mr Devan was talking bout on ss wad the prob wif me??!! Concentration seems so far this few days I feel tired everyday no matter how long I sleep and for some reasons I can only maths and other sub are totally not to my normal stardard of concentration I can put in. Must hv smth wrong wif my brain~hahaha must really do my best liao!!! Jia you to me and to everyone tat has the same situation as me!!!~

I smiled @ 8:25 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 ♥

yo!today was just as normal in school~but almost late today..scare me~~hv lessons go recess wif sisters.....

i cant stand it anymore lor~i wanna say it out but i couldnt the words just cant get out of my crappy mouth!!!i wanted to shoot at every sentence but i kept quiet, look in the mirror before u talk~(tats wad i wanna tell u) nv critise ppl when u urself is no more better...u hv the rights to control ur mouth i noe but ppl hv rights to comment on wad u say too so yar i hv the rights to say wadeva now~its only making me pissed off if its non of ur business shhhh~~keep quiet will be enough i noe u are not a mute~dun hv to worry!!!

hey friend im treating u still as a friend okay~dun make me shout my first valgur at u, i may seem okay wif u but i hv still a lot to say bout u~im not as stupid and innocent as u thought im...u are the one who is lamebrained okay~u can trust a person u always say u hate but den not trusting the friends tat are around u for all the time...ppl who gave u chances, ppl who forgive and forgotten ur faults u've done but chance given was thrown away by u urself~u nv treasure the chances given, for the things u wan to say bout me just say it no need to beat aroung the bush trying to find a way to shoot the arrow over~

I smiled @ 4:53 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010 ♥

yoyo!back in posting~

fine first day in school today!!!
sat wif sy in class
elaine infront rachel beside and homo jie jie right infront of me~
we were laughing like crazy in class
things wasnt tat bad as i thought~
was quite fun
got a few good teachers taking our class
tats all for today~bb

wish tomolo will be better~~

I smiled @ 9:18 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 ♥

yo yo back in posting~~hmm holidays more fruitful compared to las year i manage to get of of house a few times to go out wif friend...went k box wif sisters during november and also went to sentosa the first time wif choir friends on 7 dec haha....is true hor is really my first time!!!!!nv been there before parents nv bring me there before and they are not aware of tat lol!!! and also went thailand during november...is a fruitful trip~~bought a lot of things back....

but still staying at home is boring...but hv a lot of show to watch!!!!
超级星光大道第6 季

nice show!!!and hahaha 梁文音 new album 爱一直存在's song is very nice!!!!
黄靖纶 new album OK MAN is also coming out soon!!!~~~

hurry allow time to fly to the day of school start!!!damn boring at home can~~but feeling tat it wud be a tough year next year....new classmates, new tough things to learn....sigh~~wish can make it through next year!!!

everybody jia you!!!!!!and to 3e4'10 classmates wish to hv great time wif u all for the next 2 years~~

I smiled @ 7:35 PM

Sunday, November 1, 2009 ♥

yo! updating now...
here to say some words to sisters and good friends!:)


to verine(min min):u did well in ur results dun need to worry bout the class tat u are going:)wad i can say is think for ur future not for who is going to the class...the ppl in the class will not be following u all the way in your life...just a blink of an eye the year will be gone like tis year when we started in E4 though we somehow dread going but in the end we found of sisters in class...so if really those ppl who are going to the same class as u next year, treasure the moment tat u will be angry wif them or happy wif dem because time files!

to felyond(xin xin):we see ur hardwork. we see ur change. u are a great sister though didnt noe u from the start be still very happy and grateful to hv u as a sister tat is willing to listen to my rubbish tat i spat out when talking to u...and really keeping the thing only in your mind and not saying out:)u're great secret keeper!!thks a lots!!!

to tracy(rui rui): we saw the hardwork u put into every subject...especially maths u tried ur best to improve, seeing u work so hard i was really touched...for real, i hv nv seen ppl working so hard to understand and memorise stuff. you did ur best in all regardless if it is important or not and u're a great treasurer$$

to rachel(hui hui):though u and me not very close but i'm still very happy to get a chance to help u in maths(though not a lot) and also very happy to hv u as one of my sisters...u are always so kind and understanding, and take care if ur health!!dun keep getting sick okay?:)

sisters wish to see u all in the same class next year!!:)

now to good friends

to zi xuan(bady): dun worry bout the class that u are getting in:)try ur luck just gan gan put down the choice! and haha closer to u this year, after knowing u really make me know lots more things...haha:) u're great friend also a great secret keeper...though u often shoot ppl wif ur words but is funny at times when u shoot and i see haha...though u do shoot me at times...i got shield okay?haha...wish u can get into the class u wanna get into!

to elaine(yappy): haha friend wif u from last year...wad i can say is u noe me well, i dunno u well not tat i dun wan to noe u well lah but u noe...i am slow...haha:) saw ur hard work this year, u did do ur best though slacky at times but in the end its never to late to work hard until the end...though u sometimes pms but try control lah haha...

to sze ying(siao siao):noe u from last year too:) though quarrel wif u a lot of times but still u're a great friend:)though sometimes really too crazy and go make ppl but i noe u are just playing lah haha...u worked very hard this year!wish u can get into the class that u choose!and sry...cant get any discount for ur camera:(

to bei wen(siao siao 2): noe u from last year but only quite close to u this year haha...dun really noe u well but wad i noe is u are a person who is quite straight forward...which is quite good:)stay happy in no matter wad class u are getting into!:)

thks to u all colouring up my life this year!

I smiled @ 3:20 PM

Friday, October 30, 2009 ♥

so many feelings today....
i feel sad, 2E4 have separated...
just like 1E2 last year...
i feel happy because my results hv proved me wrong...
i feel angry because the stupid school is not giving me my future...
i feel weird because of some reason...

为什么? 为什么每一次当我想做知道一件事,都不会得到答案。。。

I smiled @ 11:17 PM

♥ that crazy girl

My name is Fiona Kang
And Im just a typical, normal girl
I love to laugh, that's about me !
laughing brightens my day ! :D

♥ she wants

sony satio
have more money
just more money

♥ shout-out

♥ jukebox

Music code here.

♥ clickables


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ElIaNe(NV Choir Mate CUM good friend)
Bei Wen(NV Choir Mate CUM good friend)
Yan Qun(NV Choir Mate CUM good friend)
Karyl(NV Choir Senior)
Beverly(NV Choir Senoir)
Eugenia(NV Choir Senior)
WeiQian(NV Choir Senior)
Jasline(NV Choir Senior)
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Abigail(NV Choir Junior)
Siang Joo(NV Choir Junior)
Shi Qi(Camp mate)

TrAcY(North Vista)(SISTER~)
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